Auto accidents happen in the blink of an eye, but the consequences can last a lifetime—especially if you don’t take the appropriate steps soon after. It’s true that in order to work as a driver for Uber, a person has to undergo a background check and evaluation of their driving record. Ideally, only the safest drivers will end up working for Uber (or any other ridesharing service, for that matter), but the truth is that even the safest drivers can find themselves in an accident.
If you are a passenger in an Uber accident, the first and most important step is to call 911 if you or anyone else at the scene is injured. Even if you do not feel injured, it’s highly advisable that you receive a medical evaluation. Why? There are two primary reasons. First, adrenaline floods the bloodstream of a person who has encountered a stressful or dangerous situation (like an auto accident) and creates an effect which can mask pain. This means that while you might not feel pain in the minutes or hours following an accident, you could indeed be injured. The sooner you’re evaluated, the better off you’ll be in terms of recovery.
The second reason to seek medical attention after an Uber accident is to immediately begin building a strong personal injury case. The more time that passes between the accident and the time you seek medical attention, the harder it will be for you to prove that your injuries were a result of the accident itself. Delaying treatment or trying to “tough it out” for a while will only hurt your body and your legal claim for compensation.
While you are still at the scene of the Uber accident, take photos of the vehicles involved, the area where the crash occurred, and any injuries you’ve sustained. In addition, try to collect the following information:
- Your Uber driver’s name
- The name and contact information, as well as insurance information from all other parties involved in the crash
- The name and contact information of any witnesses
Pursuing Compensation For Your Damages As A Passenger In An Uber Accident
Existing regulations that apply to taxis don’t really apply to new ridesharing services like Uber, which leaves legislators without a clear vision of what new regulations need to be implemented. At the same time, the popularity of Uber seems to be growing exponentially, without time for legislation to catch up. As a result, these services hang in somewhat of a legal gray zone, especially when it comes to matters of liability and insurance coverage for injuries sustained by Uber passengers.
Contact one of our accident expert attorneys who has experience in this new and quickly evolving area of the law to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Call us today at 1-800-TellRobert and get the legal help you need and get the compensation you deserve.